New well: $1500 each
Our goal this year is 10. Cost includes oversight, drilling, installation of cement pad to prevent pollution and an electric or manual pump. Communities must apply. Our representatives determine the most needy. When an application is accepted, a well is drilled and donated publicly to the entire village so that all have access 24 hours a day. Most are located in communities of 800 to 3000 people. All wells are documented with before and after pictures.
Support ProjectChristmas boxes: $10 each
Filled with daily necessities for children. We try to do between 100 and 200 of these each year. This is a once a year effort.
Support ProjectMicro lending
We set up an initial fund with Alfred Wetaba for $1250 in order to test the impact. In combination with our Poverty Eradication program, it has been so successful, that we seek to fund this effort with a much larger amount and take it internationally. This year our goal is $10,000. We already have requests from Malawi to implement this strategy, and because we are focusing on the poorest areas of each country, I anticipate this fund will need to grow significantly to meet the demand. Impact will be tracked and verified.
Support Project
Land for farming: $600 will rent two acres of land for two years.
Plough it and provide the initial planting of corn and fertilizer. Our initial effort now feeds 40 families and provides a steady stream of income for those families as they sell the excess.
Support Project
Prison reform: $5000
Countries ask us to train prison staff, guards and prisoners because of the radical impact on marriages and families. We are given full access to the prison population and along with teaching them life skills to keep them from returning to prison, we supply them with personal and hygiene supplies including food, bath tissue, women’s sanitary products, toothbrush and toothpaste.
Support Project
Plaster and flooring for existing church: $5900
Finish the walls and flooring of a rapidly growing church that has tripled in attendance its first year.
Support Project
Sound system for rural teaching: $750
As coordinators gather crowds in rural areas, they need portable sound systems so everyone can hear.
Support Project
New language translation of Godly Marriage material: $750
Every time we encounter a large people group, we translate our material so pastors can use it to teach in the people’s language.
Support Project
Sponsor three pastor couples for a seminar: $100
We work with very poor couples. Your gift pays for transportation, food and materials.
Support Project
Sponsor a new church plant
$120 for one month or $1440 for one year. This pays the pastor’s salary until the church grows and can provide support.

Launch a new country for training: $18,000
This includes everything needed to launch and sustain a new country for one year. The meetings, coordinator costs, materials, food and travel. This effectively covers a country with God’s life giving message and generates so many requests for training that the coordinator becomes a full-time trainer.
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© 2024 Dr. Vance Hardisty
Renewal International is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, Federal ID # 26-7169710.
All donations in the United States are tax-deductible in full if no goods or services are received in exchange.