OUTRAGEOUSLY CREATIVE - for the sake of the gospel!

creatingchange creativity preaching teaching Oct 24, 2018


Pastors, teachers, chaplains - when you are creative, people NEVER FORGET the truth you teach.

It's not about you, it is about creating the foundation for personal shift in people's lives. All of us can study and deliver truth. But when we do not use the creativity that God placed within us, we are neglecting one of His greatest tools of communication.

Christ got in a boat, blasted the religious leaders, forgave the adulterous woman, healed people, broke the rabbinical Sabbath AND taught. He taught AFTER he got people's attention.

That is what we need to do, we get people's attention with creativity, and then we attach the truth of God's word to their heightened sense of awareness.  The result?  For hours, sometimes days, maybe weeks afterwards, the truth stays in their hearts and minds and causes change.


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