3 Musts For Impactful Teaching

impact knowthewhy knowyouraudience purposefulpreaching Jan 22, 2019

What does it take to teach so that your audience is impacted?

1.  You must know why you are teaching.  No, not the general why.  Not because it is your job.  You need to know why... why these people, why this day, why this subject, why this passage.  These are questions that you should process over and over as you prepare.

2.  You must know your audience.  Don't write off this point if you have the same audience each week.  On a regular basis, you should ask yourself if you really know where your people are, with what are they struggling, what are the real questions, what do they face in the real world?  If your teaching does not directly address the people who are listening and where they are living, you are wasting your time.

3.  Nail the application.  So many teachers and preachers figure that the people will just figure this one out, or that God will graciously reveal it to them.  That may be true for a small minority.  But for the rest, you need to ask God to give you specific steps that people can take that day, the next day.  Without action, there is no learning.


Dr. Vance


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