Generational Impact

generational impact impact ministry work for excellence Jan 04, 2019

This IS your job and your calling!  It is not just to impact the people who are present in your audience, it is about all the people that THEY know and will impact for generations.

So, you MUST operate in excellence.  Prepare in excellence, work in excellence, perfect the message that God has given, pray diligently, because the message that you are delivering is for 10, 20 and 100 years from now.  

Don't you dare settle!  

The lives of the people to whom you speak will change, they will change the people around them, they will change their children, who will change their children.  And one day, God will introduce you to all the people your message impacted because YOU were diligent and faithful to the calling God has on your life.


Dr. Vance

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