YOUR expectations DETERMINE the outcome for your audience

expectations faith lifechange preparation Oct 09, 2018

So often we spend all our time preparing the content.  We study, work hard, pray and hope for the best.  But that is not how God made us.  God built us so that our expectations directly impact our actions, which radically influence how the audience reacts.

That expectation is called faith.  Faith that there is something greater at work than our own efforts.  Faith that the message that you have prepared is not just for that particular event.  Faith that God has chosen you for just exactly that time, that audience, that location and has given you the truth they need to hear.  

You should enter into every presentation that God gives you with nothing short of believing that God is going to change people, generations and the world with the few simple words you are going to utter.  Not because you are good, but because He is great and His Word is great.

So, enter into every opportunity with sky high expectations, believing that your time with these people is God ordained and blessed.

In His Service,


Dr. Vance Hardisty

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