Discipline - We Hate it, We Love it - Here's how to get it!

discipline pastors teachers training Aug 15, 2018

How do you accomplish the impossible?

God's power



Here's 3 steps to get discipline in your own life and the 3 steps you must teach others in order for them to have a disciplined life.

Many years ago Richard Foster wrote the classic The Celebration Of Discipline.  It was not a book that I wanted to read.  I thought it would be laborious, judgmental, frustrating and leave me with a terrible case of "I'm a loser".   

None of that occurred.  In fact, the book became one of my favorite.  A book that pointed the way to freedom, power and accomplishment in life.  

These 3 steps are the start.  Without these three, you will never engage in a disciplined life and without that type of life you cannot hope to accomplish what God has called you to do and be.



Dr. Vance

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