Challenge Your Assumptions!

assumptions challenge children marriage ministry Apr 24, 2019

Challenge Your Assumptions!

Why do you do what you do? Why do you believe what you believe?

Most of your actions and your beliefs are based on assumptions that you have held for years.  Are those assumptions blessing you and those you serve?

Take the next few days and carefully go through the different areas of your life - marriage, children, family, church, beliefs, business - and ask yourself how you think things are going.  When you have thought it through, ask someone in each arena how they think you are doing - some one who will tell you the truth.

If all is well, then no problem.  However, if your wife tells you your marriage could be better, or your kids are hesitant to talk, or your church isn't growing and lives aren't changing, then ask yourself, "What assumptions do I have that are not working?"  

You may have gotten those assumptions from your parents, a book, something you decided years ago, or from someone else's example, but if they are not working now, it is time to do things differently.  That way you can be who God has called you to be in each arena of your life and be the blessing he designed you to be.

For Him,


Dr. Vance Hardisty

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