This 16 year old did 4 things in her presentation that you should do every week!

communication motivationalspeaking powerfulspeaking Nov 07, 2018

She was 16, there were 250 people in the room and she did 4 things that absolutely MESMERIZED THE AUDIENCE. These 4 things you should do every week.

It was just last week. I watched as a 16 year old spoke, following two experienced speakers and the room was restless. They'd been sitting and listening too long.  

I've been in that spot and I wondered what she would do to grab and hold their attention?

She actually did 4 things that kept the entire audience leaning forward, barely moving and at the end, her action step was so powerful it motivated the entire audience.

If we want to be powerful and effective communicators of the Word of God, we should be doing doing exactly what she did every time we speak.

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